
Tetitla, Zontecomatlán, Veracruz

Abraham told us that before the assembly he didn’t have any information. He feels the information he received is good because it is a form of protection stopping contractors from taking advantage of people. He stressed the importance of sharing locations with family members so that they know where people migrate to: “There are people who go and don’t inform anyone. Above all these are youth who leave their mothers to worry.”

He also commented that: “In the next harvest I can demand rights with more security because I have information. I feel good, more excited to go out to work, but where there are better conditions. I think the workers should not let themselves be cheated anymore.”

Abraham reflected on the assembly: “Those who were present in the meeting learned something new so that wherever they go they will be better able to defend themselves. Everyone has to make a change for the change to take hold in the community.”

He also told us: “I had never heard this type of information, especially not information about rights. The people who have firsthand experience, like those [migrants] who are discussing this on Radio Huaya, should continue to inform the people who go to the harvests.”